So what do we have here today? Well i went through and photographed most of my old army to share with everyone. So here is my blue squad, so i basically painted all the squads different color themes so i could keep track of them when making army lists and on the playing field. let me tell ya it made it much easier in the long run. some people put little dots, numbers or symbols on the back of their bases.. not me i have to paint the whole damn thing differently. Now that squad sizes have changed well all that color coding pretty much went out the window. I have to mix and match in order to get full squads now. So much for that cunning plan. I barely have enough to fill out each squad anymore.
I pulled out the old 2nd Ed SoB codex the other day and i realized where all my painting inspiration came from. There were a lot of little things that i did that the minis in the codex also had. for example i'm sure most of you will notice the black lining around the inside of the robes while the base color is white.
Also again these were punk rock sisters with their crazy colored hair. I'm debating if i want to start doing this again (If i paint up any more basic troups).

Question is if you're going to go back and drill out the gun barrels.. Because you know some people are going to give you never ending crap for it. ;)
ReplyDeleteI'll let him do it for me ;) cause i know it will drive him crazy.