His Published works:
The man already works full time sculpting awesome miniatures for Privateer press www.privateerpress.com and has an amazing portfolio. I would love to see him have an actual online portfolio and a place to post tutorials. He is an amazing teacher and i think the gaming community would benefit from what knowledge he could share.
Anyways I'm sure some of you already own his work.
Here is a sample:
First the Trolls...
One of my Favs simply for his pimp daddy fur collar
Now the Jacks: I'll only post a couple here
Little Known fact that the extreme Jack was actually sculpted before Drago so a lot of the techniques that the extreme uses were also used in making Drago.
Now he has a LOT more work i could post but i really want him to post it on his own blog.
Air Fryer Chicken Drumsticks
19 hours ago