I was one of the lucky SoBs that got one of the 200 Grand Mother Figures from Kingdom Death. So yesterday, I made her base (in the first picture) I actually wanted to put a pillar of sorts on it as well but I think due to the figure's wing span it would limit where I could put her on the base and crowd it quite a bit. Once I get her finished and off the cork I'll decide on the pillar.
The base is made from pieces from a mold that we bought from Hirst Arts - Gothic Additional Accessories Mold #44, It really didn't have exactly what I wanted but what we have worked.
So basically there are a few layers of paint down, I was playing with where i wanted the shadows and highlights. I still have a lot of layering and blending to do. I'm still not sure what color i'm going to do the wings, well i'm going to make them white, but i'm not sure what hues i'm going to give the wings. I don't want them to clash with the yellows of her outfit but I don't want them to blend in either. hummmm......