A little bit of fun before I post about my hate twards the Penitent Engine..
We finally got a new display case from Ikea so we can display our armies. Here is a quick shot of mine I took this morning. You should be able to see the old paint jobs and the new ones very clearly in this.
I left it full size so you can click on the image and see it much larger.
After playing a small game 1250pts against RC and getting my @ss handed to me I realized I need more heavy weapons... some serious firepower. I have 3 exorcists in various stages and 1 land raider partially completed.
Not sure if these will help much at this point, as i'm having the 'I need a new codex' blues. My boyfriend suggested I play a different army, and well the only other one I would want to play (BT) doesn't have a new codex either. I think i'm going to have to make my own SM chapter or something. although i'm not even sure I want to paint up that many SM models. I think I just want to paint up those terminators that I bought cause they are fun models.
So question for you: How do you deal with the 'new codex blues'?
Who is the or what is the mini with the top hat as it looks like Dita Von Tease.
ReplyDeleteDo you mean the mini in the tan/brown coat? it's an old female Commissar model GW doesn't make it anymore. I bought it about 10 years ago. you might be able to find it on ebay for a pretty penny.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the responce, you did a cool conversion.
ReplyDeleteno problem, also it's not a conversion. that is how it came. This is the figure you are talking about right? http://www.blackmoor.ca/gwimpfcommissar1.htm
ReplyDeleteThe army looks great. I too struggle with both my Sisters and my Templars, but I stick with them. The Templars are not as bad off as the Sisters, in fact if they just updated the Templars FAQ giving us the same vehicle cost as regular marines I would be pretty happy. Anyway the army looks great!
ReplyDeleteYour army looks great cant wait to see it with the Exorcists and PEs.
ReplyDeleteIf you are getting a little bored with your Sisters I recommend trying to mass up some Immolators. Doing Immolator SPAM has turned my girls into one of the most powerful armies in my little group of 40k players.
I not sure where to find the rules now but have you thought about fielding zealot squads with your army? Yes, it is a bunch of models to paint but I have had some good results with them in the past. They aren't game breakers but they will surprise some players.
ReplyDeleterhinos! get those ladies armored and those damn blood pact bastards will have a harder time taking you down!
when it comes to playing sisters i thought more heavy weapons would be good too, and as it turns out from my experiance its not the case. i suggest keeping to 2 or 3 exorcists seeing as they kick butt and set your troops up for anti tank and then just fill out with lots of dominions. nothing kills infantry like 4 flamers and 1 combi flamer popping divine guidance with the help of an imagifer jumping out of a immolator with a heavy flamer so that it can kill some more stuff too even after moving 12 inches.
ReplyDeletebottom line of sisters is they kill the foot slogging heretic with ease the hard part is putting him there. the witch hunters codex is still a good codex so don't get down its just a lot harder to play than any SM codex (especially the newer ones) because it isn't a very forgiving codex. so hang in there and we will get a new codex......... eventually
though if you get really really down like i did for a while playing another army for a bit can brighten your day and make you appreciate the righteous trinity of bolter melta and flamer.
oh and great models by the way =)
Imperial Guard are the way to go. They supplement the need for Heavy Weapons in Sisters army very well. In fact, if you jump the fence and make "IG with Sisters" instead of "Sisters with IG", all sorts of possibilities open up.
ReplyDelete-Tankbusting heavy weapons teams that are twin-linked or cover-busting, thanks to the Orders system.
-Outflanking Seraphim (thanks to creed). These girls kill all sorts of things in the back field, like your enemy's fire support troops.
- Sisters mounted in Vendettas for objective-grabbing/holding and melta delivery
- How about a big mob of 50 guardsmen backed by WH priests (for the universal re-roll and eviscerator), and inquisitor, and a Palatine? You mob those orcs for a change (although foot is dead in 5e)
- Inquisitors +mystics near squads/tanks allow you free shots at deep strikers
and so on. Also, DL the FW Imperial Armor update (it's free at the FW site) and upgrade those Rhinos to Repressors. You get a 6-woman fire point + 1 at the top hatch, plus a heavy flamer and storm bolter for a cheap 55 points.
Imperial Guard. Make them work for you.
REPRESSOR .50 Points
• May take any of the following:
- a hunter-killer missile.............................................................................................+10 pts
- extra armour......................................................................................................................+5 pts
- blessed ammunition*............................................................................................+10 pts
- holy promethium*....................................................................................................+10 pts
- holy icon*.........................................................................................................................+10 pts
- laud hailer* .....................................................................................................................+10 pts
* Sisters of Battle vehicles only
Repressor 4 11 11 10
• Storm Bolter
• Pintle-mounted Heavy Flamer
• Smoke launchers
• Searchlight
• Dozer blade
A Repressor is a dedicated transport choice for the following Sisters of Battle squads; Battle Sisters squad, Celestian squad, Dominion squad,
Retributors squad, Adeptus Sororitas Heroine and retinue.
It may be taken as a dedicated transport vehicle for Inquisitorial Storm Troopers or Adeptus Arbites squads.
Special Rules:
Fire Points: Up to six passengers may fire their basic weapons from
the repressor’ fire points. Additionally one model may fire any weapon
from the top hatch. All models using the fire points must engage the
same target, although they may engage a different target to the
Repressor itself.
Transport Capacity:• 10
Awe-inspiring. Truly. Everything about this army deserves kudos. I am especially fond of your use and detailing of the MK1's.
ReplyDeleteReal devotion, considering there is probably about seven metric tons of white metal there.
They look really good in the case and on the table. I don't think you need more heavy weapons, just some variety. That can come from some heavy weapons, some rhinos or some exorcists, or all of the above. Some more games will help you get a feel for the army as well. Those acts of faith are nasty.
ReplyDeleteNice army, putting it in the Ikea case just makes it better. I finally got some about a year ago and now I and others see my army on occasion instead of being in a box, or just some website.
ReplyDeleteMy army is here:
I always like playing against sisters and all those Melta guns kill Plaguemarines pretty damn well.
I appreciate your frustration in the Witch Hunters army book. Unlike the newer 5th edition books there is only one or two ways to build a successful army and the lack of flexibility can lead to boredom and frustration. Personally I still enjoy my Sisters as they are really unique play experience with the faith points and concentration on mid-range firepower.
ReplyDeleteI found that it took me 10 or so games to learn the limitations of the Sisters and the counters to other lists before I really had any success in my local area. Since then the win/loss have been less about the book itself and more about the generalship between my opponents and myself.
Good luck though, I have a feeling you will like Sisters a bit more when you have an Exorcist on the table. Their powerful (if not slightly unpredictable) fire support brings a lot to the table.
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