A little bit of fun before I post about my hate twards the Penitent Engine..
We finally got a new display case from Ikea so we can display our armies. Here is a quick shot of mine I took this morning. You should be able to see the old paint jobs and the new ones very clearly in this.
I left it full size so you can click on the image and see it much larger.
After playing a small game 1250pts against
RC and getting my @ss handed to me I realized I need more heavy weapons... some serious firepower. I have 3 exorcists in various stages and 1 land raider partially completed.
Not sure if these will help much at this point, as i'm having the 'I need a new codex' blues. My boyfriend suggested I play a different army, and well the only other one I would want to play (BT) doesn't have a new codex either. I think i'm going to have to make my own SM chapter or something. although i'm not even sure I want to paint up that many SM models. I think I just want to paint up those terminators that I bought cause they are fun models.
So question for you: How do you deal with the 'new codex blues'?